What is Learn League?

We made Learn League because we found that sometimes school can be a little too “one size fits all” and not about exploring the ideas that each person finds interesting.

We also know that games and competitions can be super exciting. And we’re like you, we want to make the world a better place and we’re searching for ways to make that happen.

Learn League, a place where you can participate, compete and learn.

A global community of learners
Learn League is a social learning site so you can meet people from all over the world and make real connections.

The site is used by students from Japan to Ecuador and our community is growing by the day.

Learn League is personalized to your skills and abilities.
Each worksheet is dynamically generated for you based on how you’re doing on that topic. We measure your success to bring you questions that fit your level and give you an extra push ahead.

Competitions and charities
As you work through the activities on Learn League you’ll earn points in competitions.

The prizes for these competitions are donations in your name (or your team’s name) to charitable organizations around the world. You can compete by yourself or join a team with kids from around the world.